Creative portfolio featuring the original art and works of Matty Speights
Images of a life less ordinary... original art, photography, writings and works unburdened by the influence of social media

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Images of a life less ordinary... original art, photography, writings and works unburdened by the influence of social media
Every morning, I wake with an unbridled urge to capture and create--my humble contributions to the fascinating world around me. Thankful for each breath but far from satisfied, I strive to discover, experience and improve this life and everything it has to offer, whether realized or not yet imagined!
My creative efforts are ironic in juxtaposition with my lifestyle. Behind a Nikon, or in front of a canvas, scroll saw, laptop or stovetop--I'm audacious... but in all other ways am contentedly introverted, preferring my personal role as a father above all else. You won't find my works on Facebook or Instagram. Feel free to share though!
Capturing and improving the human condition drives me. A lover of life--all life, whether animals, insects, or plants--I find myself especially drawn to the touching, selfless, passionate and uniquely zany gestures of humankind, from all walks of life and all flavors of culture. My traditional artwork & photography reveals an affinity for bustling eateries, romantic scenes, and the female face and form--whether flirty, sexy, stunning or subtle. Visit the gallery pages for more; this site is continually growing and changing, so check back from time to time!
I don't use text notifications or email alerts, though I check both daily. Will answer calls 24/7/365 unless I'm sleeping ;) +1 (910) 381-0876
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